Karina Collis
Viktoria Fischer-Werth

3 sales insights
TO take your sales tactics
to the next level

Monthly digest, December

How to deliver a B2B sale?
B2B sales are not always straightforward. There are many moving parts you have to keep in mind in order to successfully close a deal. Small things like your posture, way of communication or the information you provide can already influence whether your prospect will trust you enough to buy your product or not.

Convincing others of your sales proposition is one of the major challenges in carrying out a sales strategy.

Luckily, there are easy, but very powerful, tips and techniques you can use to be more persuasive and convincing.

We publish our monthly "Sales Insights" series to help you navigate through the complexity of B2B sales and learn more about certain techniques that will help you to win your prospects. Every month you can learn more about tips to catch people's attention, persuade better and improve your sales.

Sales insight #1. TAKE A POWER POSE

A power pose can decrease the stress hormone cortisol by 15%
Wouldn't it be helpful if a simple pose could improve your confidence? Well, it might me more powerful than you think.
Slide with text: take a power pose just before a negotiation
A posture of dominance before a meeting can increase your confidence and chances to succeed.

Spending just two minutes in a "power pose" – meaning a posture of dominance (like Wonder Woman: hands on the hips, elbows cocked wide, legs firmly planted) changes both psychology and physiology, increasing your confidence and therefore chances for success.

Do you want to understand better how it works? Check out Amy Cuddy's popular TED talk about the power of body language. In her research, subjects who adopted the Wonder Woman posture took greater risks. Two minutes in a power pose are enough to increase levels of testosterone by 20% and decrease the stress hormone cortisol by 15%.

So if you are running important negotiations, invest two minutes to empower your confidence!


Slide with text: stop pitching and start advertising
In sales, no one wants to be sold, no one wants to go through a boring sales pitch. That's why you should leave pitching to baseball. Take your prospect on a discovery journey. Help him or her to look at the business and the challenges from a different angel and brainstorm together on the potential solutions.

Think of a coach. A coach never gives a ready made solution, but rather asks sharp questions to help you analyse the problems.

Why not to act as a coach for your prospective clients?

The following questions will help you on this journey:
How important is it to you that ... ?
Why do you think it is happening?
What effects does that have on ... ?
How does that affect your revenue/productivity?
What happens if you don't address this [problem] now?
According to Hubspot research, only 7% of top sales performers report pitching. If you want to succeed in sales conversations, leave pitching to baseball.


Slide with text: stay up-to-date with social listening
Social media platforms are flooded with people's opinions. Everyone is talking about the latest trends, scandals and news.

Don't miss out on this pool of valuable information and include social listening in your sales strategy.

But what exactly is social listening?

It is the process of monitoring digital conversations and trends to understand what prospects are saying about your brand, your company and your industry as a whole. It can help you gain new insights about your prospects and improve your sales tactics.

You should always know what others are saying about your company and your product. Is there anything they want? Anything you could improve? What are your competitors doing?

Here is how exactly you can benefit from social listening:
Engage with your customers
Customers appreciate it when brands are active on social media
Discover new opportunities
When many people are talking about the same thing, it's a good sign that there is something to take note of
Keep track of your brand's growth
Easily monitor brand growth through consumer responses to campaigns, products, etc.
Broaden the brand reach towards prospects
Social media holds many opportunities to boost customer acquisition


Sales are not only about telling a person why they should buy your product. If you want to sell successfully, there is so much more behind it: how do you talk to your prospect? What is your purpose in engaging? Can you help them find a solution to their problem?

There are many different aspects you should pay attention to, but also many useful techniques which will help you close a deal more easily.

Stay up to date with our monthly digest of 5 powerful sales insights to learn more techniques that will help you win your prospect and increase your sales. Are you curious to learn more? Then check out our other monthly digests from September, October and November.

Good luck with applying the techniques we share! The more you practice, the better you will become.

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We offer bespoke sales workshops and personalised coaching that cover: sales framework, sales process, sales pitch, strategic selling and many other sales topics.

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